TFS - Canada's International School

TFS Community Report_(w_o donors)_2022

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TFS Foundation 306 Lawrence Ave. E. Toronto, Ontario M4N 1T7 Canada Phone 416.484.6533 ext. 4250 Registered Charitable No.: 11925 9455 RR0001 TORONTO CAMPUS 306 Lawrence Ave. E. Toronto, Ontario M4N 1T7 Canada Phone 416.484.6533 WEST CAMPUS 1293 Meredith Ave. Mississauga, Ontario L5E 2E6 Canada Phone 905.278.7243 Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication. If, however, there are any errors or omissions, please accept our sincere apologies and notify Cathy Yanosik, President, TFS Foundation, at 416.484.6980 ext. 4296 or Design by Clear Space

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