TFS - Canada's International School

Parents' Handbook

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Parents' Handbook 2024– 2025 35 teacher to support and reflect the teacher's curricular goals and objectives. • Reflect an understanding of the student's individual learning needs and use teaching strategies best suited to the learner during tutoring sessions. LEARNING FORUM SUPPORT We highly recommend that the tutor connects with the Learning Forum (learning specialist/guiding counsellor) to review credentials and procedures. They may assist tutors in individualizing instruction for students. HARASSMENT POLICY HIGHLIGHTS TFS is fully committed to respecting and protecting the personal dignity and human rights of our students and employees. TFS has a comprehensive Harassment Policy based on the Ontario Human Rights Code. Harassment in any form is against everything for which we stand, and it will not be tolerated. Harassment includes but is not limited to unwelcome or unwanted physical or verbal behaviour directed towards members of a particular race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status, or disability. Types of behaviour which constitute harassment include, but are not limited to: - sexist, racist or otherwise improper jokes causing embarrassment or offence, told or carried out after the joker has been advised that they are embarrassing or offensive, or that are by their nature clearly embarrassing or offensive; - degrading words used to describe a person; - written and drawn graffiti; - the display of offensive material; - the composition, production and/or dissemination of hate literature or derogatory material; - verbal abuse or threats; - intimidation; - vandalism; and - physical violence. The policy also covers sexual harassment, which includes unwanted sexual advances or requests. Please note that in the case of a student under the age of 16 (or their parents on their behalf) making a complaint of sexual harassment against a school employee, the complaint falls within the mandate of the Child Sexual Abuse Protocol and the Child and Family Service Act and MUST be reported to the appropriate children's aid society, who will do the investigation using procedures established under the Child Sexual Abuse procedure. (See the TFS Safe School Policy and Procedures.) PROCEDURE Students who feel they have been subjected to harassment should take action promptly. (TFS follows the one-year timeframe prescribed by the Ontario Human Rights Code.) The person making the complaint has the option of pursuing an informal or formal procedure. Victims will receive appropriate advice, support and assistance. Informal – Seek a resolution personally, or ask for help and advice from a third party in the school. Where age-appropriate, students may approach the individual directly or bring forth the complaint to a third-party – a teacher, the Vice-Principal or the Principal. Formal – Make a formal written complaint (parent or guardian must be involved if the student is under 18.) Students will direct their formal written complaint to the Principal. If the complaint is against the Principal, students must direct their complaint to the Head of School. NO FEAR OF REPRISAL Whether the complaint is formal or informal, the procedures must be conducted in an atmosphere of respect and confidentiality without fear of reprisal or

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