TFS - Canada's International School

Parents' Handbook

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44 Parents' Handbook 2024– 2025 IMPORTANT NUMBERS TORONTO CAMPUS 306 Lawrence Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario, M4N 1T7 Switchboard (8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) 416-484-6533 Automated Attendant 416-484-6980 ADMINISTRATION Head of School / Executive Assistant to Head of School ext. 4201 Fax 416-488-2928 Admissions Office ext. 4247 Learning Forum ext. 4375 Business Office ext. 4566 Foundation Office ext. 4250 School Nurse ext. 4464 Fax 416-488-3090 LA P'TITE ÉCOLE - JARDIN D'ÉVEIL (AGE 2) - GRADE 1 Principal ext. 4280 Vice-Principal ext. 4281 Main Office ext. 4305 Absence/Late Arrival ext. 4808 Fax 416-480-6960 JUNIOR SCHOOL - GRADES 2 - 5 Principal ext. 4271 Vice-Principal ext. 4516 Main Office ext. 4282 Absence/Late Arrival ext. 4800 Fax 416-489-4382 SENIOR SCHOOL - GRADE 6 - LEVEL V Principal ext. 4460 Main Office ext. 4294 Attendance ext. 4212/4499 Guidance ext. 4291 Learning Forum ext. 4375 Penturn Library ext. 4238 IT Help Desk ext. 4411 Fax 416-483-5987 TFS SHOP ext. 4228 POOL ext. 4241 CATERING ext. 4550 WEST CAMPUS - PK - GRADE 7 1293 Meredith Avenue, Mississauga, Ontario, L5E 2E6 Principal ext. 1227 Vice-Principal ext. 1232 Main Office (7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.) 905-278-7243

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