Music Makes the
World Go Round
As a school with representation from more than
40 countries, we understand the importance of
including a global perspective in all aspects of
learning. At the West Campus, music and cultural
education go hand in hand. Take for example our
Grade 5 music class, which incorporates lessons
on songs and sounds played in celebrations across
the world, such as Kwanzaa and Diwali. This gives
students like Tegh M. the opportunity to introduce
instruments to his peers such as the tabla drums, of
Indian and Pakistani origin. Through these authentic
experiences, students are able to learn from one
another and embrace each other's unique identities.
TFS 13
Math Learning
Takes on
Many Forms
Math is all around us – in the kitchen, on
the playground and just about everywhere.
At La p'tite école, we use every opportunity
to incorporate math lessons. One such
activity is baking the monthly birthday
cake. Students learn about measurements,
quantities (both liquid and solids), shapes,
timing and temperature. Who knew math
could be this fun?