Northeastern University, Boston
Dual Major Program Criminal
Justice and Political Science
Bronze, Silver, Gold:
Duke of Edinburgh's Award
CAIS Conference Co-director
Community Engagement Prefect
Head of Ambassadors
TFS Parents' Association Prize
Jocelyn Clare Memorial Award
Seja von Wersebe
Fellowship Award
Elizabeth Bejaoui CAS (Creativity,
Action, Service) Award
Best Achievement:
− IB Geography Standard Level
The Edward Tory Award
Future Plans
LAURA RECEIVED OFFERS of admission from
liberal arts and social sciences faculties at universities
on both sides of the border: Canadian universities
included Mount Allison and Dalhousie, the University
of King's College, Halifax, and Bishop's University.
American universities included George Washington
and Northeastern.
Laura has decided to return to Boston, her hometown.
She will be attending Northeastern University in the
fall, where she will begin a dual program in criminal
justice and political science. She is considering a minor
in photojournalism. She chose Northeastern University
in part because of its integrated and experiential
learning programs. She also wants to study American
politics and international relations, and looks forward
to many lively debates. Laura wants to make the
world a better place, and envisions a future in law
enforcement, such as with a national security agency.